( 25-Aoû-2003 /yD)




Responsable du projet : Yves Dandonneau (IRD/LODYC) 100%, organisation des campagnes, données ancillaires, pCO2, interprétation des résultats, centralisation des données.


Membres de l'équipe :

-         François Baurand (ITA, IRD Brest) : 15 %, campagnes en mer.

-         Jean Blanchot IRD/La Réunion) : 40%, comptages en cytométrie en flux, interprétation.

-         Pierre-Yves Deschamps (CNRS/LOA) : 20%, réflectances, validation des données satellite de couleur de l'eau.

-         Hubert Loisel (Post Doc, LOA) : 20 %, données satellite de couleur de l’eau, algorithmes

-         Cécile Dupouy (IRD) : 40%, soutien  campagnes à Nouméa, réflectances, pigments interprétation

-         Jacques Giraudeau (CNRS, DGO) : 50%, coccolithophoridés, biocalcification.

-         XXX (stagiaire DEA) :30 %, coccolithophoridés, biocalcification

-         Nicolas Metzl (CNRS, LPCM) : 10 %, système des carbonates

-         Yves Montel (ITA, IRD) : 100%, sels nutritifs, mesures HPLC, installation de l'expérience à bord, campagnes.

-         Olivier Cozes (CDD CNES, LODyC) : 20 %, colocalisation des données SeaWiFS

-         Jacques Neveux (CNRS, Centre IRD de Nouméa) : 20% mesures de spectrofluorimétrie et interprétation .

-         Awa Niang (MC, Université de Dakar) : 30 %, données satellitales et algorithmique couleur de l'eau.

-         Boping Han, (Professeur, Chine) : 30 %, phycobiliproteines, groupes fonctionnels

-         Joël Orempuller (ITA, IRD Papeete) : 15 %, campagnes en mer.

-         Rémy Chuchla (ITA, IRD Brest) : 15 %, campagnes en mer.

-         Denis Diverres (ITA, IRD Brest) : 15 %, campagnes en mer.

-         Marie-Hélène Radenac (IRD) : 10% modélisation

-         François Lantoine (maître de conf, Banyuls) : 15 % phycobiliproteines

-         François Thieuleux (thésitif, LOA) : 10 %, réflectances, validation des données satellite de couleur de l'eau.

-         Marie Paule Verneuil (ITA, IRD/LODyC) : 50 % site web et base de données.


Personnes collaborant occasionnellement :

-         Philippe Ciais (CNRS, LSCE) : 13C atmosphérique

-         Frédéric Partensky (CNRS, Station Biologique de Roscoff) : cytométrie en flux, interprétation

-          Antoine Sciandra (CNRS, Villefranche) : spectres de taille de particules.

Liliane Merlivat (CNRS, LODyC) capteur de pCO2






Références bibliographiques du responsable et de l'équipe, en particulier sur le sujet de la demande (trois dernières années).


André, J.M., C. Navarette, J. Blanchot, and M.H. Radenac 1999. Picophytoplankton dynamics in the equatorial Pacific: growth and grazing rates from cytometric counts. Journal of Geophysical Research 104: 3369-3380.

Andrews, J.T., Giraudeau, J., accepté. Multi-proxy records showing Holocene oceanographic variability on the inner N Iceland Shelf (Hunafloi), Quaternary Science Reviews

Bertrand, P., Giraudeau, J., Malaize, B., Martinez, P., Gallinari, M., Pedersen, T.F., Pierre, C., Vénec-Peyré, M.-Th., sous presse. Occurrence of an exceptional carbonate dissolution episode during early glacial isotope stage 6 in the Southeastern Atlantic, Marine Geology.

Blanchot J., André J.M., Navarette C, Neveux J., Radenac, M.-H. 2001. Picophytoplankton in the equatorial Pacific: vertical distributions in the warm pool and in the high nutrient low chlorophyll conditions. Deep-Sea Research I 48: 297-314, 2001.

Boutin, J., J. Etcheto, Y. Dandonneau, D.C.E. Bakker, R.A. Feely, H.Y. Inoue, M. Ishii, R.D. Ling, P.D. Nightingale, N. Metzl, and R. Wanninkhof (1999). Satellite sea surface temperature : a powerful tool for interpreting in situ pCO2 measurements in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Tellus 51B: 490-508.

Bricaud A., Allali K., Morel A, Marie D, Veldhuis MJW, Partensky F., Vaulot D. in press. Divinyl chlorophyll a specific absorption coefficients and absorption efficiency factors for Prochlorococcus sp.: kinetics of photoacclimation. Marine Ecology Progress Series

Brown S. L., Landry M. L., Neveux, J. and C. Dupouy. Microbial community abundance and biomass along a 180° transect in the equatorial Pacific during an ENSO cold phase. Soumis à J. Geophys. Res.

Bruyant F., Babin M., Sciandra A., Marie D., Genty B., Claustre H., Blanchot J., Bricaud A., Rippka R., Boulben and Partensky F. An axenic turbidostat of Prochlorococcus strain PCC 9511 with a simulator of natural light regimes. Journal of Applied Phycology 13: 135-142, 2000.

Charpy L, Blanchot J. in press , Picophytoplankton biomass, community structure and productivity in The Great Astrolabe Lagoon (18°45'S-178°30'E) Fiji. Coral Reefs .

Charpy L., Blanchot J., Photosynthetic picoplankton in French Polynesia atoll lagoons: estimation of taxa contribution to biomass and production by flow cytometry. Marine Ecology Progress Series(Marine Ecology Progress Series, 57-7). 1998.

Christensen, B.A., Giraudeau, J., sous presse. Neogene and Quaternary evolution of the Benguela upwelling system : foreword, Marine Geology.

Dandonneau, Y. 1999. Introduction to special section : Biogeochemical conditions in the equatorial Pacific in late 1994. Journal of Geophysical Research 104: 3291-3295.

Dupouy C., Neveux J., Subramaniam A., Mulholland M.R., Montoya J.P., Campbell L., Capone D.G., and Edward J. Carpenter, 2000. SeaWiFS captures Trichodesmium blooms in the South Western Tropical Pacific Ocean. EOS, Transactions, AGU, 81, n°2, 13, 15-16.

Dupouy C. ,  Loisel H.,  Neveux J., Brown S. L., Moulin  C., Blanchot J.,  Le Bouteiller A. and M. R. Landry.  Microbial absorption and backscattering coefficients from in situ and satellite data during an ENSO cold phase in the equatorial Pacific (180°). Soumis à J. Geophys. Research. Janvier 2002.

Etcheto, J., Y. Dandonneau, and J. Boutin 1999. Interannual variability of carbon dioxide concentration in the east equatorial Pacific surface layer. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 24: 405-410.

Eynaud, F., J. Giraudeau, J.-J. Pichon, and C.J. Pudsey 1999. Sea-surface distributions of coccolithophores, diatoms, silicoflagellates and dinoflagellates in the South Atlantic Ocean during the late austral summer 1995. Deep-Sea Research I 46: 451-482.

Findlay, C.S., Giraudeau, J., 2000. Extant calcareous nannoplankton in the Australian Sector of the Southern Ocean (austral summers 1994 and 1995), Marine Micropaleontology, 40, 417-439.

Frouin, R., S. F. Iacobelllis, and P. Y. Deschamps, 2001: Influence of oceanic whitecaps on the global radiation budget. Geophy. Res. Lett., 28, 1523-1526, 2001.

Garczarek L., van der Staay G.W.M, Thomas J.-C. and Partensky F. Isolation and characterization of the photosystem I of two strains of the marine oxychlorobacterium Prochlorococcus. Photosynthesis Research. Sous presse.

Giraudeau, J., Cremer, M., Manthé, S., Labeyrie, L., Bond, G., 2000. Coccolith evidence for instabilities in surface circulation south of Iceland during Holocene times, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 179, 257-268.

Giraudeau, J., Bailey, G.W., Pujol, C., 2000. A high-resolution time series analyses of particle fluxes in the Northern Benguela coastal upwelling system: carbonate record of changes in biogenic production and particle transfer processes, Deep-Sea Research II, 47, 1999-2028.

Giraudeau, J., Meyers, P.A., Christensen, B.A., sous presse. Accumulation of organic and inorganic carbon in Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments along the southwestern African margin, Marine Geology.

Giraudeau, J., Pierre, C., Hervé, L., 2001. A late Quaternary high-resolution record of planktonic foraminiferal species ditribution in the Southern Benguela region : Site 1087. In: Wefer, G., Berger, W.H., Richter, C. (Eds.), Proc. ODP Sc. Results, 175, 1-26.

Gorsky, G., M.J. Chrétiennot-Dinet, J. Blanchot, and I. Palazzoli 1999. Picoplankton and nanoplankton aggregation by apendicularians : fecal pellet contents of Megalocercus Huxleyi in the equatorial Pacific. Journal of Geophysical Research 104: 3381-3390.

Guillou, L., Moon-Van der Staay, S. Y, Claustre, H., Partensky, F. et D. Vaulot 1999, Diversity and abundance of Bolidophyceae (Heterokonta) in oceanic waters. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 65: 4528-4536.

Hess W.R., Steglich C., Lichtlé C. and Partensky F. in press. The phycoerythrins of Prochlorococcus marinus are associated to the thylakoid membranes and are encoded by a single large gene cluster. Plant Molecular Biology.

Jacquet S., Partensky F., Lennon J.-F., Vaulot D. 2001. Diel patterns of growth and division in marine picoplankton in culture. Journal of Phycology 37: 357-369

Landry M. R., Brown S., Neveux J., Dupouy C., Blanchot J., Christensen S. and R. Bidigare. Phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton grazing in HNLC waters of the equatorial Pacific : Community and taxa-specific rate assessment from pigment and flox cytometric analyses. Soumis à J. Geophys. Res.

Loisel, H. and D. Stramski. 2000. Estimation of the inherent optical properties of natural waters from irradiance attenuation coefficient and reflectance in the presence of Raman scattering. Applied Optics. 39: 3001-3011.

Loisel, H. and A. Morel. 2001. Non-Isotropy of the upward radiance field in typical coastal (case 2) waters. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 22: 275-295.

Loisel, H., D. Stramski, B. G. Mitchell, F. Fell, V. Fournier-Sicre, B. Lemasle and M. Babin. 2001. Comparison of the ocean inherent optical properties obtained from measurements and inverse modeling. Applied Optics.40: 2384-2397.

Loisel, H., E. Bosc D. Stramski, K. Oubelker and P-Y. Deschamps. 2001. Seasonal variability of the backscattering coefficients in the Mediterranean Sea based on Satellite SeaWIFS imagery. Geophysical Research Letters. 28: 4203-4206.

Loret  P., Le Gall S., Dupouy C., Blanchot J., Pastoureaud A., Delesalle B., Caisey X., Jonquieres G. 2000. Heterotrophic protists as a trophic link between picocyanobacteria and the pearl yoster Pinctada margaritifera in the Takapoto lagoon (Tuiaomotu Archipelago, French Polynesia)  Aquatic Microbial Ecology 22: 215-226, 2000

Machado C., Neveux J. et L. Oriol, 1999, DNA and RNA assay using the double fluorochrome method: extraction efficiency and algal pigment interferences, Vie et Milieu, sous presse.

Marie D., Partensky, F., Simon N., Guillou L. and Vaulot D. Flow cytometry analysis of marine picoplankton. In: Diamond R.A., DeMaggio S. (ed.). In Living Colors: Protocols in Cytometry and Cell sorting. R.G. Landes Company. Sous presse.

Moulin, C., H. R. Gordon, V. F. Banzon, R. H. Evans, Assessment of Saharan dust absorption in the visible from SeaWiFS imagery, J.Geophys. Res., 106, 18239-18250, 2001.

Moulin, C., H. R. Gordon, R. M. Chomko, V. F. Banzon, R. H. Evans, Atmospheric correction of ocean color imagery through thick layers of Saharan dust, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 5-8, 2001.

Neveux, J., F. Lantoine, D. Vaulot, D. Marie, and J. Blanchot 1999. Phycoerythrins in the southern tropical and equatorial Pacific Ocean : evidence for new cyanobacterial types. Journal of Geophysical Research 104: 3311-3321.

Neveux, J., Dupouy C., Blanchot J., Le Bouteiller A., and Landry M. and S. Brown, Diel dynamics of chlorophylls in HNLC waters of the equatorial Pacific (180°): Interactions of growth, grazing, physiological responses and mixing. En révision à Geophys. Res.

Nicolas, J. M., P. Y. Deschamps, and R. Frouin, 2001: Spectral reflectance of oceanic whitecaps in the visible and near infrared: Aircraft measurements over open ocean. Geophys. Res. Lett., 28  : 4445-4448

Partensky, F., J. Blanchot, and D. Vaulot 1999. Differential distribution and ecology of Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus in oceanic waters : a review. Bulletin de l'Institut Océanographique, Monaco n° spécial 19.

Pierre, C., Saliège, J.F., Urrutiaguer, M.J., Giraudeau, J., 2001. Stable isotope record of the last 500 k.y. at Site 1087 (Southern Cape Basin). In: Wefer, G., Berger, W.H., Richter, C. (Eds.), Proc. ODP Sc. Results, 175, 1-22.

Radenac, M. H., Menkes, C., Vialard J., Moulin C., Dandonneau Y., Delcroix T., Dupouy C., A. Stoens. and P. Y. Deschamps, 2001.  Modeled and observed impacts of the 1997-1998 El Niño on nitrate and new production in the equatorial Pacific, Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, 26879-26898.

Rau, A.J., Rogers, J., Lutjeharms, J.R.E., Giraudeau, J., Lee-Thorp, J.A., Chen, M.-T., Waelbrock, C., sous presse. A 450 kyr record of hydrological conditions on the western Agulhas slope, South of Africa, Marine Geology.

Riaux-Gobin C., Vetion G., Neveux J. et J-C. Duchene, 1998. Microphytobenthos et phytoplancton en baie de Banyuls (Golfe du Lion): biomasses pigmentaires et facteurs hydroclimatiques. Vie et Milieu, 48: 1-13.

Signorini, S. R., McClain, C. R., Dandonneau, Y. (1999) Mixing and phytoplankton bloom in the wake of the Marquesas Islands. Geophysical Research Letters, 26 : 3121-3124.

Steglich C., Behrenfeld M., Koblizek M., Claustre H., Penno S., Prasil O., Partensky F. & Hess W.R. 2001. Nitrogen deprivation strongly affects Photosystem II but not phycoerythrin level in the divinyl-chlorophyll b-containing cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus marinus. Biochimica Biophysica Acta 1503: 341-349

Stoens, A., C. Menkes, M.-H. Radenac, Y. Dandonneau, B. Coste, N. Grima, G. Eldin, L. Mémery, C. Navarette, T. Moutin, and P. Raimbault 1999. The coupled physical-new production system in the equatorial Pacific Ocean during the 1992-1995 El Niño. Journal of Geophysical Research 104: 3323-3339.

van der Staay, G.W.M. and Partensky F. in press. The 21 kDa protein associated with Photosystem I in Prochlorococcus marinus is the PsaF protein (AJ131438). Plant Physiology.



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