SWINGS is a multidisciplinary 4-year project fully dedicated to elucidate trace element sources, transformations and sinks along a section crossing key areas of the Southern Ocean (SO). SWINGS aims at 1) establishing the relative importance of sedimentary, atmospheric and hydrothermal sources of trace elements and isotopes (TEIs) in the Indian sector of the SO, 2) investigating the drivers of the internal trace element cycles: biogenic uptake, remineralization, particle fate, and export, and 3) quantifying TEI transport by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and the complex frontal areas at the confluence between Indian and Atlantic Oceans.
SWINGS will address the following 3 primary questions:
Name | Lab. | Status | Topics |
Planquette H. | LEMAR | CR | Trace elements |
Jeandel C. | LEGOS | DR | Trace elements |