Scientific head of project : Catherine JEANDEL, CNRS
( 31-Aoû-2009 / cJ/mpT)


Van Beek P., Sternberg E., Reyss J.-L., Souhaut M., Robin, E., Jeandel C., 2009. 228Ra/226 Ra and 226 Ra/Ba ratios in the Western Mediterranean Sea: Barite formation and transport in the water column, Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 73, 4720–4737



Sternberg E., Jeandel C . and Morel F.M. Ba uptake by the diatom Thalassioria Weissflogii: experimental study. Geoch Cosmoch Acta 69, 2745-2752, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2004.11.026., 2005

Sternberg E., Miquel J.C., Gasser, B., Souhaut M., Arraes-Mescoff R., Jeandel C. and François R. Reliability of barium as a tracer of export production (BARMED program), Marine Chemistry, 105, 281-295, 2007.

Sternberg E., Jeandel C ., Robin E., Souhaut M. Seasonnal cycle of suspended barite in the Mediterranean Sea : aggregates vs acantharians, Geochimica Cosmichimica Acta, in press.


VanBeek P., Sternberg E., Reyss J-L, Souhaut M. and Jeandel C ., Insights regarding marine barite formation from 228 Ra, 226 Ra and Ba measurements in particles and seawater in the western Mediterranean sea. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, in press

Sternberg E., Jeandel C ., Dehairs F.. Dissolved barium depletion in Mediterranean waters over the past thirty years in prep. for Geophys. Res. Let.


48. Lacan F. and Jeandel C . Neodymium isotopes as a new tool for quantifying exchange fluxes at the continent - ocean interface EPSL, 232, 245-257, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2005.01.004 , 2005

49. Coppola, L., Roy-Barman, M., Mulsow, S., Povinec, P. and Jeandel C . Low particulate organic carbon export in the frontal zone of the Southern Ocean (Indian Sector) revealed by 234 Th . Deep Sea Research I. 52 (2005) 51-68

50. Sternberg E., Jeandel C . and Morel F.M. Ba uptake by the diatom Thalassioria Weissflogii: experimental study. Geoch Cosmoch Acta 69, 2745-2752, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2004.11.026., 2005

51 . Guieu C., Roy-Barman M., Leblond N., Jeandel C ., Souhaut M, Le Cann B., Dufour A., Bournot C. Vertical particle flux in the North-East Atlantic Ocean (POMME experiment) J. Geophys. Res. 110, C07S18, doi:10.1029/2004JC002672, 2005

52 . Roy-Barman M., Jeandel, C ., Souhaut, M., van der Loeff, M. R., Voege, I., Leblond, N., and R. Freydier, Vertical evolution of Thorium isotope scavenging in the NE Atlantic ocean (POMME experiment), Earth and Planetary Science Letters 240, 681- 693, 2005

53 . Lacan F. and Jeandel C ., Acquisition of the neodymium isotopic composition of the North Atlantic Deep Water. Geochemistry, Geophysics and Geosystems, , 6, Q12008, doi:10.1029/2005GC000956, 2005

54 . Coppola L., RoyBarman M., Mulsow S., Povinec P. and C. Jeandel. Thorium isotopes as tracers of particles dynamics and deep water circulation in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean (ANTARES IV) Mar. Chem., 100, pp299-313, 2006

  55 . Hegner E., Dauelsberg H.-J. , Jeandel C. and Rutgers van der Loeff M. East Antarct ic Origin of Suspended Particles in the Southern Ocean supports a link between icebergs and iron fertilization. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 8, Q10008, doi:10.1029/2007GC001666., October 2007

56- Jeandel C ., Arsouze T., Lacan F., Téchiné P. and Dutay J.-C. Isotopic Nd compositions and concentrations of the lithogenic inputs into the ocean: a compilation, with an emphasis on the margins. Chemical Geology, 239, 156-164, 2007 . doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2006.11.013

57- Arsouze T., Dutay J-C., Lacan F. and Jeandel C . Modeling the Neodymium isotopic composition with a global circulation model Chemical Geology, 239, 165-177, 2007 doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2006.12.006

58 - Blain S, Queguiner B., Armand L., Belviso S., Bombled B., Bopp L., Bowie A, Brussaard C. Carlotti F., Christaki U, Corbière A., Durand I., Ebersbach F., Fuda J-L, Garcia N., Gerringa L., Griffiths B., Guigue C., Guillerm C., Jacquet S., Jeandel C., Laan P., Lefevre D. Lomonaco C., Malits A., Mosseri J., Obernosterer I., Park Y-H, Picheral M, Pondaven P., Remenyi T., Sandroni, Sarthou G., Savoye N., Souhaut M., Scouarnec L., Thuillier D., Timmermans T., Trull T., Uitz, Van Beek P., Veldhuis, Vincent D., Vong L. and Wagener T. Viollier E., Impacts of natural iron fertilisation on the Southern Ocean Nature, 446, 1070-11074, 2007

 59- Sternberg E., Miquel J.C., Gasser, B., Souhaut M., Arraes-Mescoff R., Jeandel C. and François R. Reliability of barium as a tracer of export production (BARMED program), Marine Chemistry, 105, 281-295, 2007.

60. Sternberg E., Jeandel C ., Robin E., Souhaut M. Seasonnal cycle of suspended barite in the Mediterranean Sea : aggregates vs acantharians, Geochimica Cosmichimica Acta, in press.

61- Zhang Y., Lacan F . Jeandel C . Dissolved Rare Earth Elements Trace Terrigeneous Inputs in the Wake of the Kerguelen Island (Southern Ocean) Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies in Oceanography, KEOPS special issue 55, 638-652, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2007.12.029. .

62- Van Beek P, Bourquin M., Souhaut M. and Jeandel C. Radium isotopes above the Kerguelen Plateau (KEOPS ) Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies in Oceanography, KEOPS special issue, 55, 622-637

63- Bourquin M., Van Beek P. Souhaut M. and Jeandel C . Comparison of two sampling and preconcentration methods for the radium isotopes measurements in seawater. Mar. Chem., 109, 226-237.

64- Venchiarutti C., Jeandel C . and Roy-Barman M. Thorium isotopes in the wake of the Kerguelen island: scavenging and low ventilation processes. In press Deep Sea Res.

65- Arsouze T., Dutay J.-C., Kageyama M., Lacan F. , Alkama R., Marti O., Jeandel C . (in press) Influence of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation on neodymium isotopic composition at the Last Glacial Maximum, a modelling sensitivity study. Climate of the Past. In press

66- SCOR Working group. GEOTRACES - An International Study of the Global Marine Biogeochemical Cycles of Trace Elements and their Isotopes. Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry - 67 (2): 85-131 2007 DOI information: 10.1016/j.chemer.2007.02.001 .



Références bibliographiques du responsable et de l'équipe

... - 2004


1- Robin E, C. Rabouille, G. Martinez, I. Lefevre, J-L Reyss, P. van Beek and C. Jeandel. Direct bio-Ba dtermination using SEM/EDS-ACC system : implication for barite preservation in marine sediments. Submitted to Marine Chemistry, Juin 2002

Sur les mesures de paramètres biologiques, travail en collaboration sur KERFIX
Razouls S., Du Réau G., Guillot P., Maison J. and C. Jeandel. Seasonal abundance of copepode assemblage and grazing pressure in the Kerguelen Island area (Southern Ocean) Journal of Plankt. Res ., 20, 1599-1614, 1998.

Ternois Y., M-A Sicre, A. Boireaut, L. Beaufort and C. Jeandel Hydrocarbons, sterols, and alkenone in sinking particles, at Kerfix site, Southern Ocean. Org. Geochemistry, 28, 489-501, 1998.

Fiala M., E. Kopczynska, C. Jeandel, L. Oriol & G. Vetion. Seasonal and interannual variability of size fractionated phytoplankton biomass and community structure at Station Kerfix, off Kerguelen Islands, Antarctica. J. Plankt. Res., 20, 1341-1356, 1998.

Sur le Baryum/barytine
Monnin, C., Jeandel, C., Cattaldo, T. et Dehairs, F., 1999. The marine barite saturation state of the world's ocean. Marine Chem., 65, 253-261, 1999.

Jeandel C ., Tachikawa K., Bory A. and Dehairs F. Biogenic baryum in suspended and trapped material as a tracer of export production in the tropical N-E Atlantic (EUMELI sites). Mar Chemistry, 71, 125-142, 2000

Athias, V., P. Mazzega and C. Jeandel. Estimating the aluminum and baryum cycling parameters in the tropical NE Atlantic (oligotrophic EUMELI site) using a genetic algorithm. Journal of Marine Research, in revision, 2001.

Bory A., Jeandel C., Leblond N ; VanGriesheim A., Khripounoff A., Beaufort L, Rabouille C., Nicolas E ;, Tachikawa K., Etcheber H. and P. Buat-Ménard. Particle fluxes within different trophic regimes off the Mauritanian upwelling zone (EUMELI program) Deep Sea Res, in press, 2001

Cattaldo, T., F. Dehairs, N. Metzl, C. Monnin and C.Jeandel Hydrological and Biogeochemical Control of Dissolved Baryum in the Southern Ocean along 6 degrees W and 30 degrees E, Journ. Geoph. Res. En révision

Sternberg E., Accumulation of baryum by marine phytoplankton, Mémoire DEA “Océanologie, météorologie, environnement ” Univ Paris VI, 30p, 2001

P. Albéric, E. Viollier, D. Jézéquel, C. Grosbois and G. Michard (2000), Trace elements-dissolved organic matter interaction in the anoxic deep layer of Lake Pavin (Puy-de-Dôme, France), Limnology & Oceanography, 45(5), pp1088–1096

Associé au projet « BARYTINE »
E. Robin, C. Rabouille, G. Martinez, I. Lefevre, C. Jeandel, P. Van Beek and J-L. Reyss, Barite in marine sediments: a comparison between a new SEM/EDS technique with ICP-MS and INAA methods, in prep. pour Marine Chem.

P. van Beek, J.-L. Reyss, R. Gersonde, M. Paterne, M. Rutgers van der Loeff, G. Kuhn, 226Ra in barite : Absolute dating of Holocene Southern Ocean sediments and paleoceanographic implications, soumis à Journ. Geoph. Res.

Van Beek P. and Reyss J.-L. (2001) , 226Ra in marine barite : new constraints on supported 226Ra, Earth and Plan. Sci. Let., 187, 147-161

Van Beek P., 2001. Utilisation de la barytine sédimentaire marine pour les études paléocéanographiques de l’Holocène, Thèse, Paris VI, 179pp.

NB : le travail ci-dessous est aussi une production “ EIMETO ”
Arraes-Mescoff R., M. Roy Barman, L. Coppola, M. Souhaut, K. Tachikawa, C. Jeandel, R. Sempéré and C. Seri-Yoro, The behavior of Al, Mn, Ba, Sr, REE and Th isotopes during in vitro degradation of large marine particles Marine Chemistry, 73, 1-19, 2001.

Sur le PVM
Gorsky G., Picheral, M. and Stemmann, L. (2000a) Use of the Underwater Video Profiler for the Study of Aggregate Dynamics in the North Mediterranean. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 50 (1) : 121-128.

Stemmann L., M. Picheral & G. Gorsky (2000) Diel changes in the vertical distribution of suspended particulate matter in the NW Mediterranean Sea investigated with the Underwater Video Profiler. Deep Sea Res. I, 47 : 505-531.

Sur le 234Th
Hamilton, T.F., J. Heilmann, S.W Fowler and J.C. Miquel, (1999). Spatial variations of scavenging rates within the Middle and Northern Adriatic Sea: use of U-Th disequilibria. . In: Hopkins, T.S., A. Artegiani, G. Cauwet, D. Degobbis and A. Malij (eds.), Physical and Biogeochemical Processes in the Adriatic Sea, Ecosystem Research Report 32 The Adriatic Sea, EUR 18834, Directorate-General for Research, European Commission, Brussels, 525-535.

Miquel, J.C, (1999). Hydrothermal Fluxes and Biological Production in the Aegean Sea: Large Volume in-situ Sampling of Seawater. In: Hieke, W., C. Hemleben, P. Linke and H. Weikert, MITTELMEER 97/98, Reise Nr.40, 28. Oktober 1997 - 10.Februar 1998, Meteor-Berichte, Universitat Hamburg, 99-X. pp.32-34.

Miquel, J.-C., E.N. Laurent, S.W. Fowler and K. Cochran, (2001). Carbon Export in Coastal NW Mediterranean Sea: Sediment Trap Records and 234Th:238U Disequilibria Modelling. Eos Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS31C-0459.

Sur la cinétique expérimentale

Roychoudhury A., Viollier E. and Van Cappellen P. (1998), A plug-flow reactor for studying biogeochemical reactions in undisturbed aquatic sediments, App. Geochem., 13, 269-280

Autres références citées :

Bernstein, R.E., Byrne, R.H., Betzer, P.R. and Greco, A.M., Morphologies and transformations of celestite in seawater: The role of acantharians in strontium and baryum geochemistry, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 56, 3273-3279, 1992.

Bernstein, R.E., Byrne, R.H., Schijf, J., Acantharians: a missing link in the oceanic biogeochemistry of baryum, Deep-Sea Research I, 45, 491-505, 1998.

Bertram, M.A. and Cowen, J.P., Morphological and compositional evidence for biotic precipitation of marine barite, Journal of Marine Research, 55 (3), 577-593, 1997.

Bishop, J.K.B., The barite-opal-organic carbon association in oceanic particulate matter, Nature, 332, 341-343, 1988.

Brongersma-Sanders, M., Baryum in pelagic sediments and in diatoms, Proceedings, Series B, 70 (1), 93-99, 1967.

Chow, T.J. and Goldberg, E.D., On the marine geochemistry of baryum, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 20, 192-198, 1960.

Dehairs, F., Chesselet, R. and Jedwab, J., Discrete suspended particles of barite and the baryum cycle in the open ocean, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 49, 528-550, 1980.

Dehairs, F., Lambert, C.E., Chesselet, R., and Risler, N., The biological production of marine suspended barite and the baryum cycle in the western Mediterranean Sea, Biogeochemistry, 4, 119-139, 1987.

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Francois, R., Honjo, S., Manganini, S.J. and Ravizza, G.E., Biogenic baryum fluxes to the deep sea: Implications for paleoproductivity reconstruction, Global Biogeochemical cycles, 9 (2), 289-303, 1995.

Jeandel, C., Dupré, B., Lebaron, G., Monnin, C. and Minster, J.-F., Longitudinal distributions of dissolved baryum, silica and alkalinity in the western and southern Indian Ocean, Deep-Sea Research I, 43 (10), 1-31, 1996.

Legeleux, F. and Reyss, J.-L., Activity ratio in oceanic settling particles: Implications regarding the use of baryum as a proxy for paleoproductivity reconstruction, Deep-Sea Research I, 43 (11-12), 1857-1853, 1996.

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Viollier E., Michard, P.Alberic, D. Jezequel, F. Prevot and G. Sarazin (1997) Geochemical study of a crater lake : Lake Pavin, Puy de Dôme, France - Constraints afforded by the particulate matter distribution in the element cycling within lake, Chem. Geol., 142, 225-241

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