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A reduced (1/10) scale model was developed in order to verify the theoretical predictions, and it has been tested in an engineering pool of dimensions 24x16x3 m3 with a 10 m shaft, by applying to it several types of swells and currents, either mono chromatic or random swells, up to 5m real scale. Results of these tests have fully confirmed the theoretical predictions that were previously carried out, in terms of horizontal and vertical displacements (the latter are extremely low), as well as in terms of angular deviations from the vertical. For instance, the mean tilt of the buoy is approximately 4o (with about ±4o of pitching), for a 4.6m swell of period 5.2s, i.e., at the limit before breaking occurs.

These tests have also confirmed that no hidden defect, hardly discernible via calculations only, was compromising the feasibility of the system. They also shown a significant sensitivity to currents, which are however low on the deployment site. The tests were fully conclusive and led to the construction of the first beta version of the buoy, in aluminum.

Look here at a sample film of the test

The 1/10 scale reduced model of he buoy

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