( 28-Aoû-2003 / cG)
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Y1: year 1 ; Y2: year 2 ;Y3: year32 ; Y4: year 4;



Measurements during the year (SOMLIT) + relevant parameters (TCO2, AT)

Y1 – Y2 – Y3 – Y4


Punctual measurements

      – Y2

3D physical model (OCKE3D, Banyuls Bay)

Y1 – Y2 – Y3 – Y4

Carbon chemistry model


Stoichiometric model

Y1 – 

Coupling of sub-models

         Y2 – Y3 – Y4

Calibration and validation

         Y2 – Y3 – Y4


Measurements during the year + relevant parameters (TCO2, AT)

Y1 – Y2 – Y3 – Y4

Punctual measurements ( PROOF MELISSA)

         Y2 – Y3

1/3D physical model (model Symphonie, MELISSA)

Y1 – Y2 – Y3 – Y4

Carbon chemistry model


Stoichiometric model

Y1 – 

Coupling of sub-models

         Y2 – Y3 – Y4

Data assimilation

         Y2 – Y3 – Y4

Calibration and validation

         Y2 – Y3 – Y4

Satellite imagery

Y1 – Y2 – Y3 – Y4

CARBON mooring

Y1 – Y2 – Y3 – Y4

Gulf of Lions

CARBON mooring

Y1 – Y2 – Y3 – Y4

ACTION cruises

Regional cruises off Alger

Y1 – Y2 – Y3 – Y4

Cruise in the Mediterranean Sea

......................... Y4


3D multidisciplinary OPA model:discussion, organisation

Y1 – 

3D multidisciplinary OPA model: coupling

         Y2 – Y3 – Y4

3D multidisciplinary OPA model: exploitation of results

Y1 – Y2 – Y3 – Y4

Satellite imagery

Y1 – Y2 – Y3 – Y4

Data assimilation

……….. – Y3 – Y4


Data base

         Y2 – Y3 – Y4


         …. – Y3 – Y4

Web site

         Y2 – Y3 – Y4



a. The time-series stations (DYFAMED and SOLA)

Concerning DYFAMED, monthly measurements of numerous hydrological and biogeochemical variables are available for several years at depths between sea surface and 2000 m. The collection of the relevant data will continue at least during the next four years. Additional data (TCO2 and total alkalinity) will be collected at the DYFAMED station through the ACTION project. Punctual experiments at the DYFAMED site will be also realised during the second and the third year (MELISSA project; Mediterranée LimitationS Saisonnières); these measurements will be available to calibrate and validate the foodweb sub-model.

The experimental contribution to the study of carbon cycle at the SOLA station will encompass: (1) the collection of all the existing scientific data regarding the Bay of Banyuls-sur-Mer, (2) the use of the data collected within the framework of the SOMLIT program, (3) the complementation of the SOMLIT data by other relevant parameters over a year cycle, and (4) the completion of punctual experiments integrating a higher number of parameters but over more restricted period of time (i.e., about one month).

Collection of existing data
All the published data regarding the functioning of the Bay of Banyuls ecosystem will be gathered, organised in a bibliographic data base, and, whenever possible, made available (pdf files) on the Internet site of the Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls. In addition, some unpublished (but pertinent relative to the objectives of ACTION) data sets will also be made available to ACTION partners. This will for example be the case for the results of the two “high frequency surveys” recently carried out at the SOLA station within the framework of the PNEC (ART1). The results of the one year monitoring survey of size-fractionated phytoplanktonic biomass and production recently carried out at the SOLA site (Charles and Lantoine unpublished) will be made available to ACTION partners as well. Such existing data will be used to test the adequacy of the biological model when no similar data could be measured during the curse of ACTION. They will complete the information regarding some of the parameters measured during ACTION as well.

Use of data collected within SOMLIT
The SOLA station (42°29’366N, 03°08’625E) is located within the Bay of Banyuls-sur-Mer. Its depth is 26.3 m. Since 1997, this site is monitored for some main biogeochemical parameters within the national program SOMLIT. During the whole duration of the project (i.e., 2002-2005), the data collected within this framework will be made available to calibrate and validate the ACTION food-web submodel. The routinely measured parameters are: total suspended matter (SPM), particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate organic nitrogen (PON), nutrients (NH4, NO3, NO2, PO4, SiO4), O2, phytoplanktonic biomass (total Chl a). These parameters are measured weekly both at 3 and 24 m depths. All the data (T, S, turbidity, fluorescence) corresponding to the CTD profiles carried out weekly at the SOLA station will also be made available. This data set will be complemented by meteorological data collected at: (1) the Cape Béar Meteo France station (wind, precipitation), and (2) the Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls (wind). In addition, the continuous monitoring of wave characteristics (wave height and direction), which will start during the first semester of 2002, will provide continuous data for assessing physical constraints due to the swell.
The parameters routinely measured at SOLA will constitute the main sources of data for the calibration and the validation of the biological submodel. It however appears necessary to complement these data to improve both the calibration and the validation of the submodel. This will be achieved in two different ways: (1) a complementary limited set of parameters over a year cycle, and (2) a high frequency survey over a restricted period of time.

Other complementary parameters over a year cycle
Direct measurements of current speed and direction at the boundary of the Hydrodynamic model will be carried out. This will be achieved through specific cruises during which ADCP measurements will be carried out at selected sites. It seems unrealistic to plan such a sampling effort during a whole year cycle. We shall thus define “typical” situations in conjunction both with meteorological (i.e., Cape Béar) and hydrodynamical (SARHYGOL data base) conditions. One cruise at least will be carried out for each of these situations. The so-obtained data will be used to feed the hydrodynamical model.

In the Bay of Banyuls-sur-Mer, the functioning of the ecosystem and thus the main biogeochimal cycle may be influenced by continental inputs mainly transiting by the Baillaury River. This River is intermittent. It typically flows between autumn and early spring and is dry during summer. The flow of this River will be monitored during ACTION. These measurements will be complemented by periodical assessments of nutrients, POC, PON, DOC, DTN, DTP and chloropigments in the River. All carbon and nitrogen measurements will be carried out using autoanalysers (i.e., Perkin Elmer CHN 2400 and Shimadzu TOC-V). DTP will be assessed by a wet oxidation method and PO4 determinations). Chloropigments will be assessed through spectrofluorometry.

Besides its use of a stoechiometric approach (i .e. coupling of several biogeochemical cycles), one of the main characteristics of the foodweb submodel, which will be used during ACTION is the subdivision of the phytoplanktonic compartment into several size classes. This is especially important in the Mediterranean Sea, which is largely oligotrophic and where picophytoplankton dominates phytoplankton during some periods of the year (Lantoine 1995, Jordana et al. 2001). As stated above, only total Chl a is routinely measured within SOMLIT. In order to improve both the calibration and the validation of this part of the model, it thus seems necessary to assess temporal changes in different size classes of phytoplantonic cells. This will be achieved by measuring temporal changes in concentrations of Chl a within the <2µm and the >2µm size fractions. This will be done on a weekly basis both at 3 and 24 m depth using a spectrofluorometric approach. A similar size-fractionation approach will be used both for POC and PON. Besides phytoplanktonic biomass, primary production will also assessed (in situ incubation using 14C bicarbonate) but with a lower sampling periodicity. Bacteria abundance will be assessed using flow cytometry. It will be converted to biomass using appropriate conversion factors. Bacterial production will also be quantified using the 3H thymidine method.

Both the SOLA station and the whole area around Banyuls-sur-Mer, where the hydrodynamical and the food-web model will be coupled, are shallow areas. It has been shown that resuspension events may enhance the transfer of nutrients from the sediment to the water column with major consequences on bacterial production (Grémare et al. submitted for publication). In this sense, it is thus essential to incorporate the sediment in the food-web submodel. This will be achieved through the inclusion of a nutriment flux. This process will be documented through monthly measurements carried out at the SOLA station using the set of benthic chambers available at Banyuls. The effect of major meteorological events will be assessed based on the results of an existing survey carried out during November 1999 within the framework of the PNEC (ART1) (see above).

Major changes in the composition of benthic macrofauna have been recently documented for the whole Gulf of Lions based on initial observations carried out within the bay of Banyuls-sur-Mer (Grémare et al. 1998a and b, Medernach et al. 2000). The most dramatic change is linked to the increase of the serpulid polychaete Ditrupa arietina, which was almost absent during the late 60s (Guille 1971) and now features abundances up to 3000 ind.m-2, which are really exceptional for an oligotrophic Sea such as the North-Western Mediterranean. This species exhibits a strong tusk-shaped calcareous tube, and Medernach et al. (2000) have shown that the building of this tube results in significant calcification rates, which may interfere with the carbon cycle at the SOLA station. The population dynamics of this particular species will thus be monitored at the SOLA site based on biweekly sampling. Calcification rates will then be computed as proposed by Medernach et al. (2000) and incorporated into the food-web submodel.

Punctual experiment
One of the potential problems of the use of a one year long data set in validating the coupling between the hydrodynamic and the food-web submodels relies in the fact that it will be difficult to feed the hydrodynamic models with measured boundary conditions over such a long period of time (see above). It has thus been decided to focus on much shorter period of time during more punctual experiments. This approach will associate the use of permanent moorings (Wave buoy, ADCP, sediment traps, CTD) and high frequency sampling survey (CTD profiles, SPM, POC, PON, Nutrients, DOC, DON, Chloropigments, Primary production, Bacterial biomass and production, gross sedimentation rates, benthic fluxes) carried out on board of the RV Nereis II. The feasibility of this approach has been demonstrated during the two operations carried out within the Bay during November 1999 and March-April 2001 with the framework of the ART1 of the PNEC. During the present project, the punctual experiment will be focussed on the spring bloom period. High frequency sampling will be achieved on a daily basis with 4 sampled depths.



ACTION cruises

Through a collaboration with Dr. F Louanchi (Institut des Sciences de la Mer et Aménagement du Littoral, ISMAL, Algeria), for the next three years, N. Aït-Ameur (CEFREM) will participate in several short cruises off the Algerian coast. She will collect samples for TCO2, and total alkalinity measurements. ISMAL staff members will measure other parameters such as temperature, salinity, and nutrient concentrations.
We plan to request shipping time for a month cruise across the Mediterranean Sea. The cruise track will be similar to (but not exactly the same) that of the previous September 1999 PROSOPE cruise. It will extend from about 5°W to 30°W. There will be approximately 10 stations along the cruise track. Some of these stations will a repeat of the PROSOPE stations in order to directly compare the CO2 concentrations and quantify the absorption of atmospheric CO2 integrated over a few years. Data from this cruise will be used to constrain/validate the model parameterization.

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