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       Publications dans des journaux à comité de lecture
       Présentations dans des congrès (communications et affiches)


Publications dans des journaux à comité de lecture

•  Anschutz P. Chaillou . Deposition and fate of reactive Fe, Mn, P and C in suspended particulate matter in the Bay of Biscay in press à Continental Shelf Research

•  Anschutz P., Dedieu K., Desmazes F. et Chaillou G. (2005) Solid speciation, oxidation state, and reactivity of manganese in marine sediments. Chem. Geol. 281, 265-279.

•  Anschutz P., Hyacinthe C., Carbonel P., Jouanneau J.M., et Jorissen F.J. (1999) La distribution du phosphore inorganique dans les sédiments modernes du Golfe de Gascogne. C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris 328, 765-771.

•  Anschutz P., Jorissen F.J., Chaillou G., Abu-Zaied R., et Fontanier C. (2002) Recent turbidite deposition in the eastern Atlantic: early diagenesis and biotic recovery . J. Mar. Res.. 60 (6), 835-854.

•  Chaillou G., Anschutz P. Dubrulle C., Lecroart P. (2007) Experimental study of transient diagenesis in modern turbidites. Aquatic Geochemistry 13, 157–172 .

•  Chaillou G., Anschutz P. et Blanc G. (2006) The behaviour of rare earth elements in the modern sediments of the Bay of Biscay. Mar. Chem. 100, 39-52.

•  Chaillou G., Anschutz P., Lavaux G., Schäfer J., Blanc G. (2002) The distribution of U, Mo, and Cd in modern marine sediments. Mar. Chem., 80, 41-59.

•  Chaillou G., Schäfer J., Anschutz P., Blanc G. The behaviour of trace elements (U, Mo, As, Sb) during early diagenesis of modern turbidites. Sous presse à Marine Geology.

•  Chaillou G., Schäfer J., Anschutz P., Lavaux G., Blanc G. (2003) The distribution of arsenic in the muddy sediments of the Bay of Biscay, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 67, 2993-3003..

•  Corbari L., Mesmer-Dudons N., Carbonel P., Massabuau J.C., Cytherella as a tool to reconstruct deep-sea paleo-oxygen levels: the respiratory physiology of the ostracod platycop Cytherella cf. abyssorum, sous presse Marine Biology

•  Donnadieu Y., Lecroart P., Anschutz P., et Bertrand Ph. (2002) Bias in the paleoceanographic time series: tests with a numerical model of U, C org and Al burial. Palaeoceanography, 17, 3, 10.1029/2001PA000638

•  Duchemin, G., Fontanier, F., Jorissen, F.J. 2007. Small size fraction (63-150 µm) live foraminifera from inner shelf to mid bathyal environments in the Bay of Biscay Journal of Foraminiferal Research (in press).

•  Fontanier C., Jorissen F.J., Anschutz P, Chaillou G. (2006) Seasonal variability of benthic foraminiferal faunas at 1000 metre depth in the Bay of Biscay. sous presse dans Journal of Foraminiferal Research 36, 61-76.

•  Fontanier C., Jorissen F.J., Chaillou G., Anschutz P, Grémare A., Griveaud C. (2005) Live foraminiferal faunas from a 2800 m deep lower canyon station from the Bay of Biscay : Faunal response to focussing of refractory organic matter. Deep-Sea Res. I. 52, 1189-1227

•  Fontanier C., Jorissen F.J., Licari L., Alexandre A., Anschutz P. et Carbonel P. (2002) Live benthic foraminiferal faunas from the Bay of Biscay : Faunal density, composition, and microhabitats. Deep Sea Res.I , 49, 751-785.

•  Fontanier C., Jorissen F.J., Michel E., Cortijo E., Vidal L., and Anschutz P. (2008) Stable Oxygen and Carbon Isotopes of Live Benthic Foraminifera from a Lower Canyon Station (2800 m, Bay of Biscay). Journal of Foraminiferal Research 38, 39-51

•  Fontanier C., Mackensen A., Jorissen F, Anschutz P., Licari L. and David C. (2006) Stable Oxygen and Carbon Isotopes of Live Benthic Foraminifera from the Bay of Biscay: Microhabitat Impact and Seasonal Variability Marine Micropaleontology, 58, 159-183

•  Fontanier, C., Jorissen, F.J., David, C., Anschutz, P., Chaillou, G. et Lafon, V. (2003) Seasonal and interannual variability of benthic foraminiferal faunas at a 550 m depth in the Bay of Biscay. Deep Sea Res. I., 50, 457-494.

•  Gaudin M., Mulder T., Cirac P., Berne S., Imbert P. 2006. Past and present sedimentary activity in the Capbreton Canyon, southern Bay of Biscay. Geo-Marine Letters, Special Issue on Deep-Sea Turbidite Systems on French Margins, Mulder T., ed., v. 26 (6), 331-346.

•  Geslin, E., Heinz, P., Jorissen, F.J. and Hemleben, C., 2004. Response of deep-sea foraminifers to variable oxygen conditions: laboratory investigations. Marine Micropaleontology, 53, 227-243.

•  Gonthier E., Cirac P., Faugeres J.C., Cremer M., Bourillet J.F., Gaudin M., 2006 Instabilité et déformation de la couverture sédimentaire sur le haut de la pente continentale sud-Aquitaine, au Nord du Canyon de Capbreton (Golfe de Gascogne). Scientia Marina 70, 89-100

•  Grémare A., D. Guttierez, P. Anschutz, Amouroux J.M., B. Deflandre, G. Vétion (2005), Spatio-temporal changes in totally and enzymatically hydrolysable amino acids of superficial sediments from three contrasted areas. Progress in Oceanography 65, 89-111.

•  Grossi V. , de Mesmay R., Galtayries A., Raphel D., Derenne S (2008) Artificial formation of medium and long chain 1-haloalkanes during pyrolysis of polargeomacromolecules. Organic Geochemistry 39, 342–352

•  Hess, S., Jorissen, F.J., Venet, V., Abu-Zied, R., 2005. Benthic foraminiferal recovery after recent turbidite deposition in Cap Breton Canyon (Bay of Biscay). Journal of Foraminiferal Research 35, 114-129.

•  Hyacinthe C., Anschutz P., Carbonel P., Jouanneau J.M., et Jorissen F.J. (2001) Early diagenetic processes in the muddy sediments of the Bay of Biscay. Mar. Geol. 177, 111-128.

•  Jorissen, F.J., Fontanier, C. and Thomas, E. 2006 . Paleoceanographical proxies based on deep-sea benthic foraminiferal assemblage characteristics. In: Hillaire-Marcel, C., and De Vernal, A. (eds.): Proxies in Late Cenozoic Paleoceanography. Elsevier Publishers.

•  Langezaal A.M., Jorissen F.J., Braun B., Chaillou G., Fontanier C., Anschutz P., van der Zwaan G.J. (2006) Benthic-pelagic coupling: interactions of sinking organic matter, bioturbation, bacterial mediated redox zones and foraminiferal responses at the outer shelf of the Bay of Biscay. Continental Shelf Research 26, 1730-1755.

•  Langezaal, S., Braun, B., Chaillou, G., Anschutz, P., Fontanier, C., Jorissen, F. and Van der Zwaan, B. 2003. The influence of different phytoplankton blooms on foraminiferal occurrence and microhabitat selection. Geologica Ultraiectina, 229, 127-184.

•  Laprida C., Azpilikueta M., Carbonel P., 2002. Dinamica de los ostracodos mediterraneos en el golfo de Vizcaya, Oc. Atlant. Nororiental. Rev. Esp. De Micropaleont. 34 (2), 201-213

•  Lecroart P., Maire O., Schmidt S., Grémare A., Anschutz P. Meysman P. Bioturbation and short lived radioisotopes. Soumis à Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.

•  Lecroart P., Schmidt S., Anschutz P., Jouanneau J.M., (2007) Modeling sensitivity of biodiffusion coefficient to seasonal bioturbation. Journal of Marine Research 65, 417-440

•  Mouret A., Anschutz P., Deflandre B., Chaillou G., Hyacinthe C., Deborde J., Etcheber H., Jouanneau J.M., Grémare A., Lecroart P. Oxygen and organic carbon fluxes in sediments of the Bay of Biscay. Soumis à Deep Sea Research, Part I.

•  Mouret A., Anschutz P., Chaillou G., Hyacinthe C., Deborde J., Lecroart, P., Jorissen F., Deflandre B., Schmidt S., Jouanneau J.M. Early diagenesis of manganese in the Bay of Biscay. Sous presse à GeoMarine Letters

•  Mouret A., Anschutz P., Harster M., Gillet H., Cirac P. Steady state diagenesis in Holocene sediments of the Bay of Biscay. Soumis à Continental Shelf Research

•  Mulder T., Cirac P., Gaudin M., Bourillet J.-F., Tranier J., Normand A., Weber O., Griboulard R., Jouanneau J.-M., Anschutz P., Jorissen F.J. (2004) Understanding Continent-Ocean sediment transfer. EOS, 85, 257, 261-262.

•  Mulder T., O. Weber, P. Anschutz, F.J. Jorissen and J.-M. Jouanneau (2001). A few months-old storm-generated turbidite deposited in the Capbreton Canyon (Bay of Biscay, S-W France). GeoMarine Letters 21, 149-156.

•  Papillon D. , , Yvan Perez, Xavier Caubit, Yannick Le Parco (2006) Systematics of Chaetognatha under the light of molecular data, using duplicated ribosomal 18S DNA sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 38, 621–634

•  Reichart G.J., Jorissen F., Anschutz P., Mason P. (2003) Single forminiferal test chemistry records the marine environment. Geology, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 355–358..


Présentations dans des congrès (communications et affiches)

•  Anschutz P. (2005)Missions PROTAGO 1 et 2, Côtes de la Manche. Colloque du CIRMAT, Rouen, Déc. 2005

•  Anschutz P. (2005)Missions SEDICAN1 et 2, Côtes de la Manche. Colloque du CIRMAT, Rouen, Déc. 2005

•  Anschutz P. 2004 Benthic-pelagic coupling of biogenic compounds on the southeastern margin of the Bay of Biscay and the Capbreton canyon. IXème Colloque International d'Océanographie du Golfe de Gascogne, Pau, juin 2004.

•  Anschutz P., Carbonel P., Jouanneau J.M., et Jorissen F.J. (2000) Biogéochimie benthique dans les sédiments du Golfe de Gascogne. VIIème Colloque International d'Océanographie du Golfe de Gascogne. Biarritz, 4-6 avril 2000.

•  Anschutz P., Chaillou G., Jorissen F.J. et Mulder T. (2002) The ongoing diagenesis after the deposition of a turbidite in the canyon of Capbreton. Submarine Canyon European Workshop, Sitges, April 2002.

•  Anschutz P., Chaillou G., Jouanneau J.M., Jorissen F.J. et Carbonel P. (2000) Distribution of redox sensitive species in bioturbated continental slope sediments. ASLO Meeting, Copenhague, Juin 2000.

•  Anschutz P., Hyacinthe C., Carbonel P., Jouanneau J.M., et Jorissen F.J. (1999) Biogéochimie benthique dans les sédiments du Golfe de Gascogne. Colloque PROOF, Déc. 1999, Paris.

•  Anschutz P., Hyacinthe C., Carbonel P., Jouanneau J.M., Jorissen F., Dedieu K. (1999) Benthic Chemistry of Mn, Fe, N, and P in the S-E Bay of Biscay Sediments: Shelf vs. Slope Processes. 10th Meeting of European Union of Geosciences, Strasbourg 03/1999.

•  Barras, C., Fontanier, C., Hohenegger, J., Jorissen, F.J. Spatial variability of living (stained) benthic foraminiferal faunas at 550 m depth in the Bay of Biscay. The Micropalaeontological Society's Foraminifera and Nannofossil Groups Joint Spring Meeting. verpool.

•  Barras, C., Geslin, E., Duplessy, J.C., Michel, E., Jorissen, F.J. Reproduction and growth of deep-sea foraminifera: A laboratory study . The Micropalaeontological Society's Foraminifera and Nannofossil Groups Joint Spring Meeting .

•  Chaillou G. Anschutz P., Jorissen F.J. et Mulder T. (2002) Early diagenesis after the deposition of a turbidite in the canyon of Capbreton. International conference on benthic processes, Aberdeen, April 2002.

•  Chaillou G. et Anschutz P. (2000) Distribution de U et Mo dans les sédiments modernes du Golfe de Gascogne. VIIème Colloque International d'Océanographie du Golfe de Gascogne. Biarritz, 4-6 avril 2000.

•  Chaillou G. et Anschutz P., VIIIème Colloque International d'Océanographie du Golfe de Gascogne. Gijon, avril 2002.

•  Chaillou G., Anschutz P. Dubrulle C. (2005) Interaction between N-species and Mn-oxides in rapid deposited sediment layers: field observations and experiments. ASLO Summer meeting, Saint Jacques de Compostelle, juin 2005.

•  Chaillou G., Anschutz P. et Jouanneau J.M. (2003) Behaviour of redox sensitive elements in modern tubidites. Congrès de l'ASF, Bordeaux, oct. 2003.

•  Chaillou G., Anschutz P., Léauté F., Desmazes F. et Dedieu K. (2001) The study of trace metals in modern marine sediments to refine their use as proxies in paleoceanography. 11th Meeting of European Union of Geosciences, Strasbourg 04/2001.

•  Chaillou G., Anschutz P., Schäfer J., Lavaux G. et Dedieu K. (2001) The behavior of rare earth elements and arsenic in modern marine sediments (program Oxybent). Gordon Research Conference in Chemical Oceanography, Meriden, N.H., USA, 8/2001.

•  Dedieu K., Anschutz P. et Desmazes F. (2002) Solid speciation, oxidation state, and reactivity of manganese in marine sediments. International conference on benthic processes, Aberdeen, April 2002.

•  Donnadieu Y., Lecroart P., Anschutz P. et Bertrand P. (2001) Time-lags inferred by early diagenesis: tests with a numerical model of U, C-org, and Al burial to simulate the paleoceanographic time series. 11th Meeting of European Union of Geosciences, Strasbourg 04/2001.

•  Duchemin , G. , Fontanier et Jorissen, F.J . Small sized (63-150 µm) live foraminifera from inner shelf to mid bathyal environments in the Bay of Biscay during an eutrophic event. The Micropalaeontological Society's Foraminifera and Nannofossil Groups Joint Spring Meeting, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, Royaume Uni, 16-17 Juin 2005.

•  Fontanier C., Jorissen F.J., Chaillou G., David C., Anschutz P ., Lafon V., Seasonal and interannual variability of benthic foraminiferal faunas at 550 m depth in the Bay of Biscay. (Communication acceptée). Foram 2002, International Symposium on Foraminifera, Perth (Australie), 4-8 février 2002.

•  Fontanier C., Jorissen F.J., Chaillou G., David C., Anschutz P., Lafon V., Seasonal and interannual variability of benthic foraminiferal faunas at 550 m depth in the Bay of Biscay. 8 ème Colloque international sur l'Océanographie du Golfe de Gascogne, Gijon (Espag ne), 10-12 avril 2002.

•  Fontanier C. , Jorissen F.J., Cortijo E., Vidal L., Michel E., Anschutz P., Chaillou G., Grémare A., Griveaud C. (2006) Live foraminiferal faunas from the lower part of Cap-Ferret Canyon (Bay of Biscay): Composition, Microhabitat, Stable Oxygen and Carbon Isotopes. Forams 2006 Natal (Brésil), 10-15 septembre 2006.

•  Fontanier C., Jorissen J., Cortijo E., Vidal L., Michel E., Anschutz P., Chaillou G., Grémare A., Griveaud C. (2006) Live foraminiferal faunas from the lower part of Cap-Ferret Canyon (Bay of Biscay): Composition, microhabitat, stable oxygen and carbon isotopes. X International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay, Vigo, Spain, April 2006

•  Fontanier C., Mackensen A., Jorissen F, Anschutz P., Licari L. and David C.Temporal variability of benthic formainiferal faunas and their stable isotopic composition in the Bay of Biscay. Presentation orale, Workshop on "Living benthic foraminifera and their applications on the fossil record", Tuebingen 10-11 juin2004.

•  Fontanier C., Mackensen A., Jorissen F.J., Anschutz P., Licari L. et C. David. Stable carbon isotopes d 13 C of live foraminiferal faunas at a 550 m deep station in the Bay of Biscay. Colloque Bilan du Programme National d'Etude de la Dynamique du Climat, Meudon (France), 24-25 mai 2005.

•  Fontanier C., Mackensen A., Jorissen F.J., Anschutz P.,Licari L. et David C. (2004) Temporal variability of benthic foraminiferal faunas and their stable isotopic composition in the Bay of Biscay. International Congress of Paleo-oceanography 8, Biarritz, sept 2004

•  Fontanier, C., Jorissen, F.J., Licari, L., Alexandre, A., Anschutz, P. et Carbonel, P. 2002. Live benthic foraminiferal faunas from the Bay of Biscay; faunal density, composition and microhabitats. (Poster accepté). Foram 2002, International Symposium on Foraminifera, Perth (Australie), 4-8 février 2002.

•  Geslin, E ., Barras, C., Pucci, F., Leorri, E., Duplessy, J.C., Michel, E., Reichart, G.J, Morigi, C., Negri, A, Jorissen, F.J., 2006. Laboratory studies on benthic foraminiferal ecology and geochemistry, FORAMS 2006, Natal, Brazil, September 2006.

•  Geslin, E ., Kohler-Rink,U., Heinz, P., Holst, and Hemleben, C. 2002, Two dimensional oxygen distribution in sediment containing benthic foraminifers: laboratory study using planar optodes. Forams 2002, Perth, Austalia, Feb. 2002. Poster.

•  Hyacinthe C., Anschutz P., Carbonel P., Jouanneau J.M., Dedieu K. et Jorissen F.J. (1999) Early diagenetic processes in the sediments of the Bay of Biscay (program OXYBENT). Gordon Research Conference in Chemical Oceanography, Meriden, N.H., USA, 8-13/8 1999.

•  Hyacinthe C., Anschutz P., Carbonel P.,. Jorissen F.J. , et Jouanneau J.M (2000) Interactions of iron, manganese and nitrogen in muddy sediments of the Bay of Biscay. Goldschmidt Conf. Oxford, Sept. 2000.

•  Jorissen F., P. Anschutz, E. Cortijo, G. Duchemin, J.C. Duplessy, C. Fontanier, M. Gehlen, E. Geslin, C. Griveaud, H. Howa, K. Khalil, L. Labeyrie, A. Mackensen, E. Michel, C. Rabouille, G.J. Reichart, S. Schmidt, K. Tachikawa, L. Vidal (2005) Foramprox- An integrated ecological/geochemical effort for the amelioration of paleoceanographic proxies based on benthic foraminiferal carbonate. Colloque PNEDC, mai 2005.

•  Jorissen F.J , Anschutz P., Cortijo E., Duchemin G., Duplessy J.C., Fontanier C., Gehlen M., Geslin E., Griveaud C., Howa H., Khalil K., Labeyrie L., Mackensen A., Michel E., Rabouille C., Reichart G.J., Schmidt S., Tachikawa K., Vidal L. et C. Waelbroeck . Foramprox : Un effort d'étude “écologique/géochimique” pour l'amélioration des proxies paléo-océanographiques basés sur les foraminifères benthiques profonds. Colloque quadriennal du CIRMAT, Rouen (France), 6 et 7 décembre 2005.

•  Jorissen, F.J., C. Fontanier, G. Duchemin, S. Hess , S. Langenzaal, C. Griveaud, C. Barras , J. Hohenegger and P. Anschutz ) Spatial and temporal distribution of benthic foraminiferal faunas in the Bay of Biscay. FORAMS 2006, Natal, Brazil, September 2006 ( invited conference ).

•  Jorissen, F.J., Fontanier, C., Hess, S., Duchemin, G., Griveaud , C. et Anschutz, P . Ecologie des foraminifères benthiques de la Marge Atlantique : amélioration des proxies paléocéanographiques. Réunion spécialisée SGF-ASF Géosciences Marines ; Les incisions et dépôts de la marge atlantique française depuis le Néogène : états des lieux. Paris, 25-26 novembre 2004.

•  Jorissen, F. J., Fontanier. C., Rohling, E.J., Reichart, G.J. and Petersen, T. A benthic foraminiferal multi-proxy record through a shallow water Mediterranean sapropel S1. ICP VIII. 8th International Conference on Palaeoceanography, Biarritz, 5-10 septembre 2004, p. 220.

•  Jorissen, F.J., Licari, L., David, C., Alexandre, A., Anschutz, P., Hyacinthe, C., Et Carbonel, P. (2000) Ecologie des foraminifères benthiques du Golfe de Gascogne: Dynamique des populations et microhabitat. VIIème Colloque International d'Océanographie du Golfe de Gascogne. Biarritz, 4-6 avril 2000.

•  Jorissen. F, Cortijo E., Anschutz P., Duplessy J.C., Fontanier C., Gehlen M., Geslin E., Labeyrie L., Mackensen A., Michel E., Reichart G.J., Schmidt S., Tachikawa K., Vidal L, Waelbroeck C. (2003) FORAMPROX: an integrated ecological and geochemical effort of proxy amelioration. Colloque OCEANS, UNESCO, Paris, janvier 2003.

•  Mouret A. Chaillou G, Deborde J, Anschutz P (2007) Oxygen and organic carbon fluxes in sediments of the Bay of Biscay Gordon Research Conference, Chemical Oceanography, Tilton, NH, USA August 2007

•  Mouret A. Schmidt S. Anschutz P. General context of sedimentation and biogeochemistry in the Bay of Biscay. The Micropalaeontological Society's Foraminifera and Nannofossil Groups Joint Spring Meeting, Angers 7-8 juin 2007

•  Mouret A., Anschutz P., Chaillou G., Deborde J., Lecroart, P., Jorissen F., Deflandre B., Schmidt S., Jouanneau J.M., Early diagenesis of manganese and the sediment accumulation rate. ). EGU General Assembly, Vienne

•  Mouret A., Anschutz P., Cirac P., Gillet H., Deborde J. Reactive compounds from water column to buried sediment : Role of early diagenesis. XI International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay, San Sebastian, Apr. 2008.

•  Mulder T., Weber O., Anschutz P., Jorissen F.J. et Jouanneau J.M. (2001) Un evenement gravitaire actuel enregistre dans le canyon de Capbreton. Congrès de l'ASF, Orléans.

•  Mulder T., Weber O., Anschutz P., Jouanneau J.-M., Chaillou G. et Jorissen F.J. (2003) A very recent gravity process in the Capbreton Canyon. Ocean Margin Research Conference, Paris, 15-17 septembre 2003, Livre des Résumés p. 217.

•  Reichart, G. J., Jorissen, F.J., Fontanier, F. and Mason, P. Trace metal incorporation in porcellaneous foraminifera. ICP VIII. 8th International Conference on Palaeoceanography, Biarritz, 5-10 septembre 2004, p. 224.

•  Reichart, G.J., Jorissen, F.J., Fontanier, C., Mason, P.R.D. Foraminiferal single chamber trace element records by LA-ICP-MS. EGU General Assembly, session BG2.02 Calibration and validation of marine and terrestrial proxies: from empiricism towards a mechanistic understanding. EGU, Vienne, 24-29 avril 2005.

•  Reichart, G.J., Jorissen, F.J., Fontanier, C., Mason, P.R.D. Foraminiferal single chamber trace element records by LA-ICP-MS. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2005

•  Reichart, G.J. ; De Nooijer, L.; Dueñas Bohórquez, A.; Jorissen, F.J .; van der Zwaan, G.J., Proxy calibration through trace metal analyses in single foraminiferal test chambers, EGU general assembly 2006, Vienna.

•  Rzeznik J., P. Carbonel, F-J. Jorissen, P. Anschutz (2000) Dynamique saisonnière des populations d'ostracodes dans la zone de Capbreton - premiers résultats du programme Oxybent. VIIème Colloque International d'Océanographie du Golfe de Gascogne. Biarritz, 4-6 avril 2000.

•  Schmidt S, Howa H. Mouret A. Loncaric N., Lombard F., Anschutz P. and Labeyrie L. Particle fluxes and recent sediment accumulation on the Aquitanian margin of Bay of Biscay. XI International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay, San Sebastian, Apr. 2008.

•  Simonucci C., E. Viollier, D. Jézéquel, G. Sarazin, E. Metzger, F. Prévot, P. Anschutz et J.J. Bourran (2002) Kinetics study of uranium and iodine transport across the marine sediment-water interface. EGS 2002.

•  Simonucci C., E. Viollier, G. Sarazin, M. Pèpe, M. Evrard, D. Lavergne, P. Anschutz, C. Chaillou, G. Meyer (2002) Experimental study of uranium reactivity at the marine sediment-water interface. EMEC3 2002, Genève.

•  Weber O. Jouanneau J.M. et Anschutz P. VIIIème Colloque International d'Océanographie du Golfe de Gascogne. Gijon, avril 2002.

•  Weber O., Mulder T., Anschutz P., Jorissen F.J. et Jouanneau J.-M. (2002) Un courant de turbidité actuel dans le canyon de Capbreton. 19ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Nantes, 9-12 avril 2002, Livre des résumés p. 229.



Thesis :

•  Gwénaëlle Chaillou soutenue le 14 novembre 2003 « Processus biogéochimiques benthiques dans les sédiments modernes du Golfe de Gascogne ». Université Bordeaux1

•  Christophe Fontanier soutenue le 7 octobre 2003 "Dynamique des populations de foraminifère benthique dans le Golfe de Gascogne". Université Bordeaux1

•  Aurélia Mouret, commencée en sept. 2006 « Les processus de la diagenèse précoce revisités à l'aide d'une base de données ». Université Bordeaux1