Family : Temoridae

Next species

Temora stylifera (Dana, 1848)

Total length : 1.4 to 1.9 mm

How to recognize a Temora female:

Using a binocular :

The prosome is rather large and short and the head is slightly larger than the thorax.

Four thoracic segments are visible.

A1 clearly longer than prosome but shorter than the whole boby.

P5 is small, symmetrical and uniramous.

Urosome has three segments and a regular cylindrical shape.

Furca is thin and elongated (as long as the three urosome segments together).

Using a microscope :

Forehead has two small and delicate filaments

P5 is 3-segmented with spines on the distal part.


How to differenciate Temora stylifera from other Temora

Using a binocular :

Corners of the last thoracic segment are symmetrically pointed.

Using a microscope :

The inner spine of P5 is clearly longer than the others.


Ecological Notes :

Very common all the year long. Maximum abundance in late summer and autumn.

Omnivorous species.


CopyRight © 2005 - Observatoire Océanologique de Villefranche sur Mer - Stéphane Gasparini