Family : Metridinidae

Next species

Pleuromamma gracilis (Claus, 1863)

Total length : 1.5 to 2.6 mm

How to recognize a Pleuromamma female:

Using a binocular :

Typically have a red - brown button on one side of the body, near the junction with head.

P5 is small, symmetrical and uniramous.

Genital segment is usually prominent ventrally.


How to differenciate P. gracilis from other Pleuromamma

Using a binocular :

Brown button on right side of body.

First segment of A1 without significant teeth (compare to P. abdominalis).

Using a microscope :

P5 terminating in 3 short and almost equal spines. Only one free segment.

Ecological Notes :


CopyRight © 2005 - Observatoire Océanologique de Villefranche sur Mer - Stéphane Gasparini