We are glad to announce you in the context of the first ASSEMBLE+ Open Call 2018 the seminar of Pr V. and Dr A. Hartenstein, professor and researcher, respectively, at Dpt of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, University of California Los Angeles, USA.
Title : Development and Evolution of Enteroendocrine Cells in Cnidaria.
Volker and Amelia Hartenstein are collaborating in this context with Lucas Leclere and are hosted during a month (from the 06/06 to the 06/07/18) at Villefranche marine station and granted by Assemble+ TNA program.
Tuesday 12th of June, 11. a.m.
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Polyps of the starlet sea anemone Nematostella vectensis. Their single body opening (mouth) is surrounded by extended tentacles. The cells producing digestive enzymes and insulin-like peptides are part of the folds running internally along animal.PATRICK STEINMETZ
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