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SEMINAR : Building a ciliated epithelium: the example of Xenopus embryonic epidermis

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SEMINAR : Building a ciliated epithelium: the example of Xenopus embryonic epidermis

Andrea Pasini, from  the IBDM (Institut de Biologie du Developpement de Marseille) will give a seminar June 12.

Mucociliary epithelia, composed of mucus-secreting and ciliated cells, are encountered in many bilaterians, where they perform a variety of functions. Despite the physiological and pathological importance of these tissues, the mechanisms controlling their establishment are still largely unknown. Our laboratory exploits the embryonic epidermis of the amphibian Xenopus leaves as a simple and amenable model system to study the development of vertebrate mucociliary epithelia. In this talk, I will present an overview of our most recent data on the molecular and cellular mechanisms controlling the specification, migration and differentiation of the developing Xenopus multiciliated cells.     

(photo : Vue en Microscopie Electronique à Balayage de l’épiderme cilié mature. Vert: Cellule multipliée ; Rouge: Cellule sécrétrice de mucus (dite gobelet) ; Brun foncé: Petite cellule sécrétrice (produit de la sérotonine) ; Jaune: Ionocyte. IBDM UMR 7288 Case 907 - Parc Scientifique de Luminy - 13288 Marseille Cedex 9 - France)

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