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Séminaire au Centre Scientifique de Monaco

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Séminaire au Centre Scientifique de Monaco

Mme Inès GALTIER D'AURIAC (San Diego State University, SDSU · Department of Biology) présentera au CENTRE SCIENTIFIQUE DE MONACO le Mardi 1er Octobre à 11h (salle de réunion 2ème étage) un séminaire intitulé :Phospholipase A2 and Platelet Activating Factor: Coral’s Weapons for their War on the Reef

Corals and humans represent two extremely disparate metazoan lineages and are therefore useful for comparative evolutionary studies. Two lipid- based molecules that are central to human immunity, platelet-activating factor (PAF) and Lyso-PAF were recently identified in scleractinian corals. To identify processes in corals that involve these molecules, PAF and Lyso-PAF biosynthesis was quantified in conditions known to stimulate PAF production in mammals (tissue growth and exposure to elevated levels of ultraviolet light) and in conditions unique to corals (competing with neighbouring colonies over benthic space). Similar to observations in mammals, PAF production was higher in regions of active tissue growth and increased when corals were exposed to elevated levels of ultraviolet light. PAF production also increased when corals were attacked by the sting- ing cells of a neighbouring colony, though only the attacked coral exhibited an increase in PAF. This reaction was observed in adjacent areas of the colony, indicating that this response is coordinated across multiple polyps including those not directly subject to the stress. PAF and Lyso-PAF are involved in coral stress responses that are both shared with mammals and unique to the ecology of cnidarians.

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