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2nd Nice-seq Seminar

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2nd Nice-seq Seminar

We are happy to announce the second seminar of the Nice-seq series. As
a reminder, the goal of this series is to have crossdisciplinary
seminars from people working in Nice - Villefranche - Sophia area who
are interested in next generation sequencing approaches, including
methods, protocols, analyses, and applications.  We hope that you will
be interested in attending and contributing.

Gianni Liti (IRCAN)
Richard Copley (UPMC/CNRS Villefranche)
Pascal Barbry (IPMC)
Michele Trabucchi (C3M)
Etienne Danchin (ISA)
Christian Braendle (iBV)

2nd Nice-seq Seminar Programme

Friday, 8th September 4pm
4 - 4.10pm  Welcome
4.10 - 5pm Jake Warner - IRCAN - Rottinger lab
Using transcriptomics to compare developmental trajectories in
Nematostella vectensis
5-5.10pm break
5.10- 6pm Arnaud Hubstenberger - iBV - Hubstenberger lab
P-body purification reveals how repressed mRNA regulons condense
6pm discussion/beer session

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