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Comparative genomics and the evolution of left/right asymmetry in chordates: insights from intergenus hybrids of amphioxus

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From Monday through Thursday of next week, Linda Z. Holland from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla (USA) is going to visit our institute.
She will be giving a talk on Tuesday morning (September 22) at 10:00am in the Salle Trégbouboff entitled:
"Comparative genomics and the evolution of left/right asymmetry in chordates: insights from intergenus hybrids of amphioxus"
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Lectures : 4955

Current advances in studies of onychophorans (velvet worms) and tardigrades (water bears)

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Georg Mayer, specialist in Onychophorans and Evo-Devo, will present a little of is present work in these very charismatic invertebrates.
For more info please check the website:

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Tagged in: LBDV
Lectures : 4666

Physics of living matter series : 3rd Workshop (iBV, Valrose)

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Le nouvel axe Physique du vivant a pour but de faire dialoguer physiciens, mathématiciens et biologistes de Nice et sa région. Il s’agit d’aider au lancement de nouvelles collaborations, de proposer de nouvelles techniques expérimentales: optiques, mécaniques… ou théoriques: modèles physiques, méthodes de résolutions mathématiques.

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Lectures : 4898

La Génomique du plancton et Tara Oceans

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La Génomique du plancton et Tara Oceans
Conférences à l'Observatoire Océanologique de Villefranche sur Mer,
Port de La Darse

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Tagged in: LBDV LOV OOV
Lectures : 5593

Sandie and Bernie Degnan are visiting our Unit

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From next week we have the chance to host Sandie and Bernie Degnan (, who are visiting our Unit as part of their sabbatical. They will be around for three months so I'm sure everybody will have the opportunity to interact with them.

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Tagged in: LBDV
Lectures : 5217

Do octopuses use projectiles in conspecific interactions?

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Peter Godfrey Smith , Professor of Philosphy at the City University of New York,  will be one of the keynote  speakers in our "Convergences" Workshop on  Individuality in Biology and Philosophy next Monday and Tuedsay  ( ) .He has offered to give  an additional seminar on a different topic at the OOV on Wednesday 9th  September : "Do octopuses use projectiles in conspecific interactions?’."

Professor of Philosophy
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Tagged in: LBDV OOV
Lectures : 5187

Ne manquez pas la 2è édition de la J2CO !

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A l'aune de la belle réussite, l'an dernier, de la 1ère édition de la J2CO (Journée des Jeunes Chercheurs de l'Observatoire Océanologique de Villefranche-sur-Mer), l'équipe de la J2CO a décidé de réitérer l'expérience et de se lancer dans une 2è édition de l'événement.

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Tagged in: LBDV LOV OOV
Lectures : 5945

19 ème congrès de l’Association Française de Cytométrie (AFC)

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Le XIXe congrès de l’Association Française de Cytométrie (AFC) se déroulera les 18, 19 et 20 novembre 2015 au Palais des Congrès d’Antibes Juan-les-Pins.

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Tagged in: LBDV OOV
Lectures : 6179

6th meeting of the European Society for Evolutionary Development Biology

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Participation du LBDV au 6th meeting of the European Society for Evolutionary Development Biology à Uppsala (Suède).

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Tagged in: LBDV OOV
Lectures : 6160

The 8th international tunicate meeting

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Participation du LBDV au 8th international tunicate meeting au Japon.
The 8th international tunicate meeting will be held July 13-17, 2015 at Aomori City Cultural Hall, Aomori, Japan. The International Tunicate Meeting is the major scientific gathering of tunicate researchers with diverse interests, expertizes and experiences in tunicate biology and its related field from around the world, and is regularly held biennially in Europe, North America or Japan. The meeting is organized with plenary sessions and poster sessions.

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Tagged in: LBDV OOV
Lectures : 5774