OUTPACE cruise (PI: Thierry Moutin and Sophie Bonnet) : February - March 2015 Contact: Cécile Dupouy, Philippe Gérard Centre IRD de Nouméa BP A5 CEDEX Nouvelle Calédonie Tel 687 26 07 29, 687 26 07 21 Email : cecile.dupouy@ird.fr, philippe.gerard@ird.fr Notes: 1 Samples received in liquid nitrogen at return of the cruise (vol=550 ml) on Whatman GF/F filters. 2 25mm diameter filters were placed in 7ml of 100% methanol. Extraction time lasted 2 hour. Turner Designs Trilogy Optical kit n°4. Calibration for the OUTPACE series. 3 Analysis by fluorimetry was carried out the same day. Instrument: fluorimeter 4 Calibration is performed on blank filters 5 The analytical procedure is described in: Aminot A., Kérouel R., (2004). Hydrologie des écosystèmes marins. Paramètres et analyses. Ed. Ifremer, Méthodes d'anayse en milieu marin, 336 p. 6 Detection of Chlorophyll and "pheophytin". Pheophytin is not real pheophytin. Caution: do not compare fluorimetric pigments with HPLC pigments directly. To compare between fluorimetry and HPLC, please use the relationship established by Cecile Dupouy for OUTPACE between Tchla fluorimetry and Tchla (chla + div chla ) by HPLC (r2=0.854, Tchla_HPLC=0.8 x Tchla_fluorimetry) 7 Performance metrics: Measurement precision: 10% 9 Shipboard filtration person: Cécile Dupouy Analysts: Celine Dimier and Josephine Ras QA=1 = "good" QA=2 = "acceptable" 10 Quality control evaluation of the peaks: QA=3 = "questionnable"